200 Kenya History Trivia Questions – General Knowledge Online Quiz

200 Kenya History Trivia Questions – General Knowledge Online Quiz

Kenya History Trivia: Easy Navigation Between Questions

Ancient Kingdoms and Civilizations

Explore the ancient civilizations and trade routes that shaped Kenya’s early history. Trivia questions will cover the rich Swahili culture, coastal trade networks, and the influence of ancient kingdoms like the Kingdom of Axum. Challenge yourself with both easy and hard questions about Kenya’s ancient past.

Question #1

What is the capital city of ancient Egypt?

Question #2

Who was the first Emperor of Ancient Rome?

Question #3

Which civilization built the famous city of Machu Picchu?

Question #4

Which ancient civilization built the Great Wall of China?

Question #5

Who was the legendary founder of Ancient Rome?

Question #6

Which civilization is known for the invention of the wheel?

Question #7

What is the ancient name of Istanbul, Turkey?

Question #8

Who was the pharaoh during the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza?

Question #9

Which ancient civilization worshipped many gods and goddesses?

Question #10

In which ancient civilization was the Code of Hammurabi established?

Question #11

Who was the last pharaoh of ancient Egypt?

Question #12

What ancient civilization is associated with the Nazca Lines in Peru?

Question #13

In which ancient empire did the famous queen Zenobia rule?

Question #14

Which civilization invented the first writing system known as cuneiform?

Question #15

Who founded the Maurya Empire in ancient India?

Question #16

In which ancient civilization were the famous terracotta warriors found?

Question #17

Which ancient civilization is credited with the invention of the alphabet?

Question #18

Who was the legendary king of Uruk in ancient Mesopotamian mythology?

Question #19

Which civilization constructed the city of Teotihuacan in Mexico?

Question #20

Who was the first emperor of the Maurya Empire in ancient India?

Colonial Kenya and British Rule

Learn about Kenya’s colonial era under British rule. This subtopic covers the establishment of the British East Africa Protectorate, key figures like Jomo Kenyatta, and the struggles faced by the Kenyan people under colonialism. Test your general knowledge with engaging questions about Kenya’s colonial history.

Question #21

Who was the first British explorer to set foot in Kenya?

Question #22

When did the British establish colonial rule in Kenya?

Question #23

Which British document declared Kenya a British colony?

Question #24

Who was the first British Governor of Kenya?

Question #25

In what year did Kenya gain independence from British rule?

Question #26

Which British queen led the colonization efforts in Kenya?

Question #27

Who was the leader of the Mau Mau Uprising against British rule in Kenya?

Question #28

Which railway was famously built by the British in Kenya?

Question #29

What was the main cash crop grown by British settlers in Kenya?

Question #30

Which British colonial policy in Kenya led to land dispossession of the local population?

Question #31

Which Kenyan political party played a significant role in the fight for independence?

Question #32

What was the name of the British military operation against the Mau Mau?

Question #33

Which British official led the counterinsurgency efforts during the Mau Mau Uprising?

Question #34

Which British colony was merged with Kenya in 1920?

Question #35

What was the name of the detention camps established by the British during the Mau Mau Uprising?

Question #36

Which British aristocrat owned large tracts of land in Kenya?

Question #37

What was the primary language used by the British colonial administration in Kenya?

Question #38

Who served as Kenya's first Prime Minister after independence?

Question #39

Which British settlement was established as the administrative center of colonial Kenya?

Question #40

What was the main goal of the British colonial administration in Kenya?

The Mau Mau Uprising

The Mau Mau Uprising was a critical moment in Kenya’s fight for independence. Trivia questions will explore the causes, key events, and consequences of the rebellion, as well as its lasting impact on Kenya’s political landscape. Play today and learn more about this pivotal moment in Kenya’s history.

Question #41

What year did the Mau Mau Uprising begin?

Question #42

Who was the leader of the Mau Mau movement?

Question #43

Where did the Mau Mau Uprising take place?

Question #44

What was the main goal of the Mau Mau movement?

Question #45

How did the British colonial government respond to the Mau Mau Uprising?

Question #46

Who were the Kikuyu Central Association leaders involved in the Mau Mau Uprising?

Question #47

What was the Mau Mau secret society called?

Question #48

What tactic did the Mau Mau use against British forces?

Question #49

What was the role of women in the Mau Mau Uprising?

Question #50

What was the result of the Mau Mau Uprising?

Question #51

Who was the British Colonial Governor during the Mau Mau Uprising?

Question #52

What was the Kikuyu homeguard known as?

Question #53

What was the main reason behind the Mau Mau Uprising?

Question #54

What was the detention camp where Mau Mau suspects were held?

Question #55

Who gave the order to suppress the Mau Mau Uprising?

Question #56

What was the main weapon of the Mau Mau fighters?

Question #57

Which British officer led the brutal suppression of the Mau Mau?

Question #58

What was the code name for the British military operation against the Mau Mau?

Question #59

What was the main aim of the Mau Mau Land and Freedom Army?

Question #60

Who was the head of the British Intelligence during the Mau Mau Uprising?

Kenya’s Independence and Nation-Building

This subtopic focuses on Kenya’s journey to independence in 1963 and the challenges faced in nation-building. Trivia questions will cover key leaders, events, and the transformation of Kenya into a modern republic. Test your knowledge of Kenya’s post-independence history with fun and educational questions.

Question #61

Who was the first President of Kenya after independence?

Question #62

When did Kenya gain independence?

Question #63

What was the name of the Kenyan independence movement?

Question #64

Which colonial power ruled Kenya before independence?

Question #65

Who was the leader of the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya?

Question #66

What is the capital city of Kenya?

Question #67

Which document set out the framework for Kenya's independence?

Question #68

Who was the British Prime Minister when Kenya gained independence?

Question #69

What is the national language of Kenya?

Question #70

Which Kenyan political party was founded by Oginga Odinga?

Question #71

What is the highest mountain in Kenya?

Question #72

Who was the first Vice President of Kenya?

Question #73

Which British colony was merged with Kenya before independence?

Question #74

Which Kenyan leader became the second President of Kenya?

Question #75

What is the traditional garment worn by Maasai people in Kenya?

Question #76

Who was the first Prime Minister of Kenya?

Question #77

Which region of Kenya is known for its tea plantations?

Question #78

Which wildlife reserve in Kenya is famous for the Great Migration?

Question #79

Who composed the Kenyan national anthem?

Question #80

What is the currency of Kenya?

Kenya’s Role in World War I and II

Learn about Kenya’s role in both World Wars, from serving as a battleground in World War I to providing resources and troops in World War II. Trivia questions will cover Kenya’s involvement in the war efforts and its impact on the nation. Play this quiz to discover more about Kenya’s global contributions.

Question #81

What was Kenya's role in World War I and II?

Question #82

Which Kenyan group contributed significantly to the British war efforts?

Question #83

What impact did World War II have on Kenya's economy?

Question #84

Who was the colonial power in Kenya during World War II?

Question #85

Which event triggered Kenya's involvement in World War I?

Question #86

Which country was Kenya fighting against during World War II?

Question #87

What was the significance of the East African Campaign in World War I?

Question #88

How did World War II impact Kenya's political landscape?

Question #89

Which Kenyan city played a crucial role during World War II?

Question #90

Who was the Commander-in-Chief of the Kenya African Rifles during World War II?

Question #91

What was the primary motivation for Kenyan soldiers to join World War I?

Question #92

Which colonial power influenced Kenya's participation in World War II?

Question #93

What was the main contribution of Kenyan labor in World War I?

Question #94

Which Kenyan leader was instrumental in supporting the British war efforts?

Question #95

How did the outbreak of World War II affect Kenya's exports?

Question #96

Which Kenyan region saw heavy fighting during World War I?

Question #97

What role did Kenyan women play in World War II?

Question #98

Which European power controlled Kenya during World War I?

Question #99

How did World War II impact Kenya's social structure?

Question #100

Which Kenyan tribe had a significant presence in the British military during World War II?

Famous Cities in Kenya and Their History

Explore the rich history of Kenya’s famous cities, including Nairobi, Mombasa, and Kisumu. Trivia questions will focus on their cultural significance, historical landmarks, and roles in Kenya’s development. Play today to learn more about Kenya’s urban centers and their contribution to the nation’s history.

Question #101

What is the largest city in Kenya?

Question #102

Which city is known as the 'Green City in the Sun'?

Question #103

Which city is the capital of Kenya?

Question #104

Which Kenyan city is a major port on the Indian Ocean?

Question #105

Which city is known for the annual Great Migration of wildebeest?

Question #106

Which city is famous for its Swahili architecture and cultural festivals?

Question #107

Which city is located on the shores of Lake Victoria?

Question #108

Which city is renowned for its tea and coffee plantations?

Question #109

Which city is the gateway to the Rift Valley and Maasai Mara?

Question #110

Which city is known for the annual Lake Turkana Festival?

Question #111

Which city is home to the famous Karen Blixen Museum?

Question #112

Which city is famous for the Bomas of Kenya cultural center?

Question #113

Which city is known for its vibrant nightlife and entertainment scene?

Question #114

Which city is the second-largest in Kenya and a major economic hub?

Question #115

Which city is famous for its crater lake and geothermal power plant?

Question #116

Which city is known for its white sandy beaches and marine parks?

Question #117

Which city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its Fort Jesus?

Question #118

Which city is located in the Aberdare mountain range and famous for its waterfalls?

Question #119

Which city is a popular destination for hiking Mount Kenya?

Question #120

Which city is renowned for its colorful Maasai market selling traditional crafts?

Kenya’s Wildlife and Conservation Efforts

Kenya is known for its remarkable wildlife and conservation efforts. Trivia questions will cover Kenya’s national parks, endangered species, and key figures in conservation, like Wangari Maathai. Test your knowledge of Kenya’s natural heritage with fun and informative questions about its biodiversity.

Question #121

Which national parks in Kenya are known for their populations of elephants, rhinos, and lions?

Question #122

What is the official language of Kenya?

Question #123

Which animal is known as the 'King of the Jungle'?

Question #124

Which conservation organization works to protect endangered species in Kenya?

Question #125

What is the capital city of Kenya?

Question #126

Which bird species is known for its bright and colorful plumage?

Question #127

What is the largest bird in Africa?

Question #128

Which animal is known for its long neck and legs?

Question #129

Which big cat is known for its distinctive black mane?

Question #130

Which river forms part of the border between Kenya and Tanzania?

Question #131

Which tree-climbing animal is commonly found in Kenya?

Question #132

What is the most populous city in Kenya?

Question #133

Which large mammal is known for its tusks and trunk?

Question #134

Which animal is famous for its annual migration across the Serengeti?

Question #135

Which lake in Kenya is known for its population of flamingos?

Question #136

What is the primary threat to wildlife in Kenya?

Question #137

Which animal is the national symbol of Kenya?

Question #138

Which conservation area in Kenya is home to the last two remaining northern white rhinos?

Question #139

What is the most famous event that takes place in the Maasai Mara Reserve?

Question #140

Which reptile known for its lethal bite is commonly found in Kenya?

Kenya’s Political Leaders and Key Figures

Learn about Kenya’s most influential political leaders and historical figures. Trivia questions will cover the lives and legacies of leaders like Jomo Kenyatta, Daniel arap Moi, and Wangari Maathai. Test your general knowledge with this engaging subtopic focused on Kenya’s leadership.

Question #141

Who is the current President of Kenya?

Question #142

Who was the first President of Kenya after independence in 1963?

Question #143

Who is the leader of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party in Kenya?

Question #144

Who is the Deputy President of Kenya?

Question #145

Which Kenyan political leader is known for founding the Wiper Democratic Movement party?

Question #146

Who is the current Chief Justice of Kenya?

Question #147

Which Kenyan leader is popularly known as 'Baba' among his supporters?

Question #148

Who was the longest-serving Vice President of Kenya?

Question #149

Which Kenyan political figure is associated with the slogan 'Tuko Pamoja'?

Question #150

Who was Kenya's first Attorney General after independence?

Question #151

Which Kenyan lawyer and activist was involved in the push for the 2010 Constitution?

Question #152

Who is the current Speaker of the National Assembly of Kenya?

Question #153

Which Kenyan leader is known for his 'Hustler Nation' political narrative?

Question #154

Who was the first woman to serve as the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly in Kenya?

Question #155

Which Kenyan politician is known for his role in the 'Handshake' with President Uhuru Kenyatta?

Question #156

Who is the first female Chief Justice of Kenya?

Question #157

Which Kenyan leader was the Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1998 to 2001?

Question #158

Who is the current Governor of Nairobi County?

Question #159

Which Kenyan politician is associated with the 'Okoa Kenya' initiative?

Question #160

Who is the longest-serving Vice President of Kenya?

Cultural Heritage and Traditions of Kenya

Immerse yourself in Kenya’s cultural heritage and traditions, from the Maasai people to modern festivals. Trivia questions will cover Kenya’s diverse ethnic groups, languages, and celebrations. Play this quiz to discover fun facts about Kenya’s vibrant cultural landscape.

Question #161

What is the most famous cultural celebration in Kenya?

Question #162

Which tribe is well-known for their elaborate beadwork in Kenya?

Question #163

What is the traditional attire worn by the Maasai tribe in Kenya called?

Question #164

Which famous national park in Kenya is known for the annual wildebeest migration?

Question #165

What is a traditional Swahili dish made of rice, spiced with curry, and served with meat or vegetables?

Question #166

Which traditional Kenyan dance involves intricate footwork and is performed by the Luhya people?

Question #167

What is the name of the long, colorful dress worn by Kenyan women during special occasions?

Question #168

Which Kenyan city is known for its vibrant street art and graffiti scene?

Question #169

Which traditional Kenyan instrument is a stringed bow played with a stick?

Question #170

What is the popular Swahili saying that means 'no worries' or 'no problem'?

Question #171

Which Kenyan festival celebrates the Swahili culture with music, food, and art?

Question #172

What is the name of the traditional Kenyan beer brewed from millet or maize?

Question #173

Which famous Kenyan writer won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2019?

Question #174

What is the traditional Kenyan wedding ceremony called?

Question #175

Which Kenyan musician is known for popularizing the Benga genre?

Question #176

What is the name of the traditional Kenyan sweet treat made from ground peanuts?

Question #177

Which Kenyan mountain is the second-highest peak in Africa after Mount Kilimanjaro?

Question #178

What is the famous annual marathon that takes place in Kenya and attracts elite runners from around the world?

Question #179

Which Kenyan musician is known as the 'King of Lingala'?

Question #180

What is the name of the traditional Kenyan stew made with meat, potatoes, and carrots?

Kenya’s Modern History and Global Role

This subtopic explores Kenya’s modern history and its role on the global stage. Trivia questions will focus on Kenya’s leadership in African diplomacy, its role in international organizations, and its influence in environmental and economic affairs. Play today to test your general knowledge about Kenya’s place in the modern world.

Question #181

Who was the first President of Kenya?

Question #182

In which year did Kenya gain independence?

Question #183

Which city is the capital of Kenya?

Question #184

What is the official language of Kenya?

Question #185

Which national park is known for the wildebeest migration in Kenya?

Question #186

Who founded the Mau Mau movement in Kenya?

Question #187

Which British colony was Kenya a part of before independence?

Question #188

Which Kenyan athlete is known as the 'Greatest of All Time' (GOAT)?

Question #189

What is the nickname for the Kenyan national football team?

Question #190

Which lake in Kenya is known for its flamingos?

Question #191

Who is the current President of Kenya?

Question #192

Which Kenyan won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004?

Question #193

Which mountain in Kenya is Africa's second-highest peak?

Question #194

What is the currency of Kenya?

Question #195

In which city is the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) headquarters located in Kenya?

Question #196

Which Kenyan won the Women's 800 meters gold at the 2016 Rio Olympics?

Question #197

What is the name of the coastal town in Kenya known for its ancient Swahili architecture?

Question #198

Who composed the Kenyan national anthem?

Question #199

Which company is popularly known for 'Kenya's finest export' of tea?

Question #200

Which Kenyan actress won an Academy Award for her role in '12 Years a Slave'?

Thank you for exploring Kenya’s fascinating history through this quiz! From the ancient kingdoms and trade routes to the fight for independence, Kenya’s story is one of resilience and transformation.

We hope you enjoyed testing your general knowledge on key events and figures that helped shape the nation. Keep playing with QuizAx for daily quizzes and challenge your friends to see who knows more about Kenya’s history. Happy quizzing!