200 Easy and Hard Trivia Questions About Greek History – Free Online Quiz

200 Easy and Hard Trivia Questions About Greek History – Free Online Quiz

Table of Contents: Greek History Quiz Questions

Ancient Greek Civilization

Explore the origins of one of the most influential civilizations in history. Trivia in this topic will cover general knowledge of the early city-states like Athens and Sparta, advancements in art and architecture, and the contributions of ancient Greece to philosophy and science. Play today and discover fun facts about Greece's cultural legacy.

Question #1

What was the capital of Ancient Greece?

Question #2

Which Greek philosopher is considered the Father of Western Philosophy?

Question #3

Who is the Greek god of the sea?

Question #4

Which event was the most important in the Ancient Olympics?

Question #5

What is the name of the famous temple in Athens dedicated to the goddess Athena?

Question #6

Who was the king of the Greek gods?

Question #7

Which poet wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey?

Question #8

What form of government was practiced in Ancient Athens?

Question #9

Which playwright is known for his tragic plays in Ancient Greece?

Question #10

What is the name of the winged horse in Greek mythology?

Question #11

Which mathematician calculated the value of pi in Ancient Greece?

Question #12

What was the name of the famous battle where the Spartans fought bravely against the Persians?

Question #13

Who was the legendary hero known for his strength and 12 labors?

Question #14

What is the name of the Greek goddess of wisdom?

Question #15

Which city-state was known for its militaristic society in Ancient Greece?

Question #16

Who is the Greek god of the sun and music?

Question #17

What is the name of the river in Hades where the dead must cross?

Question #18

Which mythical creature is part lion, part goat, and part serpent?

Question #19

Who was the first woman created by the gods in Greek mythology?

Question #20

What is the name of the Titan who held up the heavens in Ancient Greek mythology?

The Persian Wars

This subtopic focuses on the famous battles between Greece and the Persian Empire. Test your knowledge on key events such as the Battle of Marathon and the heroic stand at Thermopylae. Trivia questions in this category range from easy to hard and cover the strategies, leaders, and outcomes of these iconic conflicts.

Question #21

Who were the two main belligerents in the Persian Wars?

Question #22

Which Persian king invaded Greece in 480 BC?

Question #23

In which famous battle did a small Greek force defeat the Persians in 480 BC?

Question #24

Who was the Spartan king that led the Greeks at Thermopylae?

Question #25

Which city-state played a major role in the naval victory at Salamis?

Question #26

Who proposed the strategy of luring the Persian fleet into the straits of Salamis?

Question #27

Which historian is most famous for chronicling the events of the Persian Wars?

Question #28

What was the outcome of the Battle of Marathon in 490 BC?

Question #29

Which Greek city-state refused to submit to Persian rule and was subsequently burned by the Persians?

Question #30

Who is credited with making the famous run from Marathon to Athens to announce a Greek victory?

Question #31

Which battle brought an end to the Persian Wars in 479 BC?

Question #32

Which Greek playwright wrote the play 'The Persians', depicting the Persian defeat at Salamis?

Question #33

What was the result of the second Persian invasion of Greece in 479 BC?

Question #34

Which Persian queen was known for her involvement in the politics of the Persian court?

Question #35

Who led the Greek forces to victory at the Battle of Salamis?

Question #36

What was the name of the Greek alliance formed to resist the Persian invasion?

Question #37

During which Persian invasion did the famous stand at Thermopylae take place?

Question #38

Who was the Persian naval commander defeated at the Battle of Salamis?

Question #39

Which famous Greek statesman urged the Greeks to unite against the Persian threat?

Question #40

In what year did the Battle of Marathon take place?

Greek Mythology

Greek mythology is full of legendary gods, heroes, and epic tales. Trivia in this category will explore the pantheon of Greek gods, famous myths like the labors of Hercules, and the legendary stories of figures like Odysseus and Achilles. Play this free multiple-choice quiz to challenge your knowledge of these timeless stories!

Question #41

Who is the king of the gods in Greek mythology?

Question #42

Which goddess is associated with wisdom, warfare, and crafts?

Question #43

Who is the god of the sea in Greek mythology?

Question #44

Which titan is known for holding up the sky in Greek mythology?

Question #45

Who is the goddess of the harvest in Greek mythology?

Question #46

Which hero is known for slaying the Minotaur?

Question #47

Who is the goddess of love and beauty in Greek mythology?

Question #48

Which creature has the head of a bull and the body of a man in Greek mythology?

Question #49

Who is the god of the underworld in Greek mythology?

Question #50

Which goddess is the protector of marriage and family in Greek mythology?

Question #51

Who is the messenger of the gods in Greek mythology?

Question #52

Which hero is famous for his strength and twelve labors in Greek mythology?

Question #53

Who is the goddess of the hunt and wilderness in Greek mythology?

Question #54

Which mythical ship carried Jason and the Argonauts on their quest for the Golden Fleece?

Question #55

Who is the god of wine, parties, and ecstasy in Greek mythology?

Question #56

Which goddess is associated with the moon, hunting, and chastity in Greek mythology?

Question #57

Who is the god of the sun, music, and healing in Greek mythology?

Question #58

Which monster has snakes for hair and can turn people to stone in Greek mythology?

Question #59

Who is the god of fire and craftsmanship in Greek mythology?

Question #60

Which hero is known for his role in the Trojan War and the Odyssey?

The Rise of Athens and Democracy

Discover how Athens became the cradle of democracy. Trivia in this subtopic will cover the development of Athenian democracy, the rise of influential leaders like Pericles, and Athens’ golden age of philosophy and culture. This online quiz mixes easy and hard questions about Athens' role in shaping political systems we still use today.

Question #61

Which city-state saw the rise of democracy in ancient Greece?

Question #62

Who is considered the founder of Athenian democracy?

Question #63

In which century did democracy begin to develop in Athens?

Question #64

What was the main governing body in Athenian democracy?

Question #65

Who were eligible to participate in the Athenian democracy?

Question #66

What is the name of the hill in Athens where the assembly met?

Question #67

Which leader is known for strengthening democracy in Athens through reforms?

Question #68

How were officials chosen in the Athenian democracy?

Question #69

What was the purpose of ostracism in Athenian democracy?

Question #70

Which philosopher criticized Athenian democracy in his works?

Question #71

What was the name of the council of 500 in Athenian democracy?

Question #72

Who was excluded from participating in the Athenian democracy?

Question #73

What was the term for the practice of banishing citizens from Athens for ten years?

Question #74

In Athenian democracy, what was used to keep track of votes?

Question #75

Which Athenian playwright wrote comedies satirizing the political system?

Question #76

What was the punishment for not attending the assembly in Athens?

Question #77

Who were the Areopagus in Athenian democracy?

Question #78

What was the name of the Athenian general who led the democratic forces during the Peloponnesian War?

Question #79

Which document outlined the laws and principles of the Athenian democracy?

Question #80

What was the name of the marketplace and civic center in Athens where political discussions took place?

The Peloponnesian War

The Peloponnesian War was a devastating conflict between Athens and Sparta. Trivia questions in this subtopic will explore the causes of the war, the strategies of key military leaders, and how this war changed the course of Greek history. Test your general knowledge of one of the most important wars in ancient Greece with this daily trivia game.

Question #81

Who was the leader of Athens during the Peloponnesian War?

Question #82

Which city-state was the main rival of Athens in the Peloponnesian War?

Question #83

What year did the Peloponnesian War officially begin?

Question #84

Which historian wrote the most famous contemporary account of the Peloponnesian War?

Question #85

Which plague ravaged Athens early in the Peloponnesian War?

Question #86

What was the name of the peace treaty that ended the first phase of the Peloponnesian War?

Question #87

Who famously warned the Athenians against going to war with Sparta?

Question #88

At which battle did the Athenian navy suffer a major defeat against Sparta?

Question #89

Which Spartan king led the Peloponnesian forces to victory at Aegospotami?

Question #90

What was the name of the long wall that connected Athens to its port Piraeus?

Question #91

Which faction in Athens supported continuing the war against Sparta?

Question #92

Who famously died in the plague at Athens during the war?

Question #93

Which island city-state defected from the Athenian League to Sparta?

Question #94

Which Spartan general defeated the Athenians at Pylos and Sphacteria?

Question #95

Which city revolted against Athenian control, leading to the start of the Peloponnesian War?

Question #96

Who wrote a comedy play mocking the Athenian leader Cleon during the war?

Question #97

Which side did the island of Corcyra support in the Peloponnesian War?

Question #98

Which famous historian served as an Athenian general during the war?

Question #99

What was the name of the first phase of the Peloponnesian War?

Question #100

Which Spartan king famously declared 'if' at the start of the war?

Famous Greek Philosophers

Greek philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle laid the foundation for Western thought. Trivia in this category will cover their lives, teachings, and the impact of their philosophies on science, politics, and ethics. Play today to challenge yourself with easy and hard questions about these intellectual giants!

Question #101

Which famous Greek philosopher said the famous quote, "Know thyself"?

Question #102

Who is known as the father of Western philosophy?

Question #103

Which philosopher founded the Academy in Athens?

Question #104

Who wrote the famous work 'The Republic'?

Question #105

Which philosopher is associated with the concept of the Golden Mean?

Question #106

Who was the student of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle?

Question #107

Which philosopher is known for the saying, "Change is the only constant in life"?

Question #108

Who is credited with the invention of deductive reasoning?

Question #109

Which philosopher believed that numbers are the key to understanding the universe?

Question #110

Who was the philosopher known for his teachings on ethics and virtue?

Question #111

Which philosopher was also a mathematician and known for the Pythagorean theorem?

Question #112

Who is considered the founder of Western political philosophy?

Question #113

Which philosopher is known for the statement, "I know that I know nothing"?

Question #114

Who is known for the statement, "The unexamined life is not worth living"?

Question #115

Which philosopher introduced the method of asking questions to stimulate critical thinking and illuminate ideas?

Question #116

Who was known as the 'Philosopher King'?

Question #117

Which philosopher is associated with the theory of Forms?

Question #118

Who is known for the statement, "Man is the measure of all things"?

Question #119

Which philosopher is famous for his work 'Nicomachean Ethics'?

Question #120

Who said, "Give me a place to stand and I will move the earth"?

Alexander the Great and His Empire

Alexander the Great created one of the largest empires in ancient history. Trivia questions will explore his conquests, battles, and the impact of his empire on the spread of Greek culture. This multiple-choice quiz will challenge you with both easy and hard questions about Alexander’s legacy in history.

Question #121

What year was Alexander the Great born?

Question #122

Which city did Alexander the Great famously cut with a sword?

Question #123

Who was Alexander the Great's teacher?

Question #124

Which ancient empire did Alexander the Great conquer?

Question #125

What was the name of the horse ridden by Alexander the Great?

Question #126

In which battle did Alexander the Great defeat Darius III of Persia?

Question #127

What was the name of Alexander the Great's father?

Question #128

Which famous city did Alexander the Great establish as his empire's capital?

Question #129

Who led the assassination of Alexander the Great?

Question #130

What was the name of Alexander the Great's mother?

Question #131

Which region's conquest marked the easternmost reach of Alexander the Great's empire?

Question #132

How old was Alexander the Great when he became king of Macedon?

Question #133

Where was Alexander the Great buried?

Question #134

Which general became the regent of the Macedonian Empire after Alexander's death?

Question #135

What title did the Greeks give to Alexander the Great?

Question #136

What famous historical figure was said to be related to Alexander the Great?

Question #137

What was the name of the campaign led by Alexander the Great to the Persian Empire?

Question #138

Who succeeded Alexander the Great as ruler of the Macedonian Empire?

Question #139

What was the capital of the Persian Empire when Alexander conquered it?

Question #140

What was the name of the father of Alexander the Great's close friend and companion, Hephaestion?

Greek Art and Architecture

Greek art and architecture continue to influence the modern world. This subtopic covers the iconic structures like the Parthenon, the development of sculpture, and the artistic innovations that defined Greek culture. Play this fun online quiz to learn more about the impact of Greek aesthetics on today’s world.

Question #141

What is the name of the ancient temple in Athens dedicated to the goddess Athena?

Question #142

Who is the famous sculptor known for creating the statue of Zeus at Olympia?

Question #143

Which architectural order is characterized by its slender and fluted columns?

Question #144

What type of structure is the Erechtheion on the Acropolis in Athens?

Question #145

Who is the sculptor of the famous Venus de Milo statue?

Question #146

Which city was the center of Minoan civilization?

Question #147

What is the term for a circular opening in the center of a dome?

Question #148

Which sculptor created the famous Laocoön and His Sons sculpture?

Question #149

Which ancient Greek city-state is known for its distinctive black-figure pottery?

Question #150

What is the term for a decorative band that runs above the architrave of a Greek temple?

Question #151

Who is considered the architect of the Parthenon in Athens?

Question #152

What is the name of the ancient Greek marketplace and civic center?

Question #153

Which Greek artist is known for his innovative contrapposto pose in sculpture?

Question #154

What architectural element crowns the top of a column?

Question #155

Who is the architect of the Treasury of Atreus, also known as the Tomb of Agamemnon?

Question #156

What ancient Greek temple is known for its series of female figures serving as columns?

Question #157

Which material was commonly used for red-figure pottery in ancient Greece?

Question #158

Who is the sculptor of the Hermes and the Infant Dionysus statue?

Question #159

What is the name of the ancient citadel overlooking Athens?

Question #160

Which Greek temple is known for its 6 by 13 Doric columns?

The Olympic Games in Ancient Greece

The Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece as a festival of athletic competition and religious worship. Trivia in this subtopic will explore the origins of the games, famous athletes, and how the games evolved over time. Test your knowledge of this fun and iconic event in Greek history!

Question #161

Who was the father of the gods in Ancient Greek mythology?

Question #162

Where were the first ancient Olympic Games held?

Question #163

Which event was included in the ancient Olympic Games?

Question #164

What was the prize for winning an event in the ancient Olympics?

Question #165

Who was the patron god of the ancient Olympic Games?

Question #166

In which year were the ancient Olympic Games revived in modern times?

Question #167

Which ancient Greek poet composed an Olympic Ode for the victor?

Question #168

What was the duration of the ancient Olympic Games?

Question #169

Where did the Olympic flame tradition originate?

Question #170

Which event was added to the ancient Olympic Games in 680 B.C.?

Question #171

Who was the first woman to win an event in the ancient Olympics?

Question #172

What was the name of the ancient stadium in Olympia?

Question #173

Which ancient Greek hero is associated with the Olympic Games?

Question #174

What was the punishment for cheating at the ancient Olympic Games?

Question #175

Who lit the flame at the opening ceremony of the ancient Olympics?

Question #176

Which city hosted the ancient Olympic Games besides Olympia?

Question #177

Where were the ancient Olympic athletes housed during the Games?

Question #178

What was the name of the area where the athletes trained before the Games?

Question #179

How often were the ancient Olympic Games held?

Question #180

What symbol represented peace during the ancient Olympics?

Greek Colonization and Expansion

Learn about the expansion of Greek colonies across the Mediterranean. This subtopic will cover the reasons for colonization, the cities founded by Greek settlers, and the cultural exchange that took place during this period. Trivia questions will test your knowledge of how Greek influence spread far beyond the borders of Greece.

Question #181

What was the primary motivation for Greek colonization?

Question #182

Which city-state was known for its colonization efforts in the Black Sea region?

Question #183

Which Mediterranean island was a major Greek colony known for its agricultural wealth?

Question #184

What role did the Phoenicians play in Greek colonization?

Question #185

Where did Greek colonists establish the city of Byzantium?

Question #186

What was an important economic benefit of Greek colonization?

Question #187

Which Greek colony in southern Italy was known for its military power and wealth?

Question #188

What was one reason Greeks established colonies on the coast of Asia Minor?

Question #189

Which Greek historian wrote about the importance of colonization for the Greek world?

Question #190

Which region did the Greeks colonize after the collapse of the Mycenaean civilization?

Question #191

What impact did Greek colonization have on local cultures?

Question #192

Which Greek colony was known for its naval power in the eastern Mediterranean?

Question #193

What was a common challenge faced by Greek colonies in distant lands?

Question #194

Which Greek colony in the Black Sea region was known for its grain production and trade?

Question #195

What was the significance of the Delian League in Greek colonization?

Question #196

Which ancient Greek poet wrote about the legendary founding of colonies like Cyrene and Byzantium?

Question #197

What was a key factor that contributed to Greek colonization in the 8th century BCE?

Question #198

Which Greek colony was founded by the city-state of Corinth in the western Mediterranean?

Question #199

What was the primary method used by Greeks to establish colonies in distant lands?

Question #200

Which Greek philosopher discussed the impact of colonization on political systems and societies?

We hope you enjoyed testing your knowledge with this fun mix of easy and hard trivia questions about Greek history! Whether you were brushing up on general knowledge or discovering new facts about ancient Greece, this quiz was designed to both educate and entertain.

Greek history is filled with iconic battles, influential philosophers, and groundbreaking discoveries that have shaped modern civilization. Continue exploring more trivia topics, and challenge your friends to see who knows the most about Greece’s incredible past!

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