200 Canadian History Trivia Questions and Answers

200 Canadian History Trivia Questions and Answers

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Key Cities in Canadian History

Discover the stories behind Canada’s most important cities! The following trivia questions focus on how places like Ottawa, Toronto, and Vancouver became the major cities they are today. Learn about Quebec City’s colonial beginnings, Halifax’s role in early Canadian development, and how these cities shaped the country’s government, culture, and economy. Test your knowledge of these key cities and see how they’ve influenced Canada’s history!

Question #1

Which city was the birthplace of the Canadian Confederation in 1867?

Question #2

Which city hosted the famous Quebec Conference in 1864, a precursor to the Confederation?

Question #3

In which city were the Canadian Parliament Buildings established in 1866?

Question #4

Which city was a major gateway for European immigrants to Canada in the late 19th century?

Question #5

Where was the first permanent European settlement in Canada established in the early 17th century?

Question #6

Which city was the site of the Red River Rebellion in the late 1860s, which led to Manitoba's entry into Confederation?

Question #7

Which city served as the capital of the Province of Canada before Confederation?

Question #8

Where was the last spike of the Canadian Pacific Railway driven in 1885?

Question #9

Which city was the site of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham in 1759?

Question #10

In which city was the first meeting of the North West Mounted Police held in 1873?

Question #11

Which city became the cultural and economic center of French Canada by the late 19th century?

Question #12

Where did the Klondike Gold Rush of the late 19th century attract prospectors?

Question #13

Which city was the site of the Victoria Charter in 1971, an attempt to reform Canada's constitution?

Question #14

In which city was the Canadian Bill of Rights proclaimed in 1960?

Question #15

Where did the Vancouver Island join British Columbia in 1866, becoming part of Canada?

Question #16

Which city was the starting point of the Klondike Gold Rush route in the late 19th century?

Question #17

Where did the Halifax Explosion occur in 1917, one of the largest man-made non-nuclear explosions?

Question #18

Which city was a key center for fur trading and exploration in the early history of Canada?

Question #19

Where was the first permanent French settlement in North America established in the early 17th century?

Question #20

Which city was the official residence of the Governor General of Canada until 1867?

Famous Canadians and Their Contributions

Learn about the incredible Canadians who have left their mark on the world! This trivia game highlights influential figures from all walks of life—scientists, artists, athletes, and leaders—who shaped the country's history and made global contributions. From inventors to entertainers, discover the people behind Canada’s proud legacy. Test your knowledge of these famous Canadians and their lasting impact on society!

Question #21

Who is known as the 'Father of Medicare' in Canada?

Question #22

Which famous Canadian actor starred in the movie 'Deadpool'?

Question #23

Who is the Canadian musician known for hits like 'Summer of '69' and 'Run to You'?

Question #24

Which Canadian author wrote the celebrated novel 'Anne of Green Gables'?

Question #25

Who is the first Canadian astronaut to walk in space?

Question #26

Which Canadian filmmaker directed the movie 'Inception'?

Question #27

Who became the first Canadian woman to win a Nobel Prize in 1997?

Question #28

Which Canadian athlete won multiple gold medals in speed skating at the Winter Olympics?

Question #29

Who is the Canadian singer and songwriter known for the song 'Hallelujah'?

Question #30

Which Canadian artist is famous for painting landscapes and the Canadian wilderness?

Question #31

Who is the Canadian inventor known for creating the alkaline battery?

Question #32

Which Canadian politician served as the 23rd Prime Minister of Canada from 2006 to 2015?

Question #33

Who is the Canadian businesswoman known for founding the fashion company Lululemon Athletica?

Question #34

Which Canadian scientist is best known for his research on insulin and diabetes?

Question #35

Who is the Canadian actress known for her role in the TV series 'Orphan Black'?

Question #36

Which Canadian musician is known as the 'Godfather of Grunge'?

Question #37

Who is the Canadian filmmaker behind the movie 'Chloe'?

Question #38

Which Canadian athlete won multiple gold medals in ice hockey at the Winter Olympics?

Question #39

Who was the Canadian author of the 'Screech Owls' children's book series?

Question #40

Which Canadian singer is known for the hit song 'Complicated'?

Indigenous Peoples and Their History

Discover the deep and diverse history of Canada’s Indigenous Peoples. These quizzes cover their rich cultures, traditions, and lasting influence on the nation. From their ancient ways of life to their contributions to modern society, you’ll learn about the Indigenous communities that have shaped Canada’s history. Test your knowledge of their heritage and the profound impact they continue to have today!

Question #41

What is the name of the indigenous peoples who originally inhabited Australia?

Question #42

Which indigenous group has the largest population in the United States?

Question #43

Who are the original inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands?

Question #44

Which indigenous group has the oldest continuous culture in the world?

Question #45

Which indigenous group built the impressive city of Machu Picchu in Peru?

Question #46

Who are the indigenous peoples of the Arctic regions in North America?

Question #47

Which indigenous group is known for their totem poles in the Pacific Northwest?

Question #48

Which indigenous group famously resisted Spanish conquest in the Americas?

Question #49

Who are the indigenous peoples of the Amazon rainforest?

Question #50

Which indigenous group settled in the region that is now Mexico City?

Question #51

Which indigenous group is known for their intricate weaving traditions in South America?

Question #52

Who are the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Islands, including New Zealand?

Question #53

Which indigenous group was forced to walk the Trail of Tears in the 19th century?

Question #54

Who are the original inhabitants of the Andean region in South America?

Question #55

Which indigenous group is known for their unique rock art in the American Southwest?

Question #56

Who are the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean islands before European colonization?

Question #57

Which indigenous group is known for their longhouses in the Eastern Woodlands of North America?

Question #58

Who are the indigenous peoples of the Great Plains in North America?

Question #59

Which indigenous group is known for their kayaks and harpoons in the Arctic regions?

Question #60

Who are the indigenous peoples of the Sahel region in Africa?

Confederation and Nation-Building

Learn how Canada came together as a nation! The following challenges take you through the key events, agreements, and figures that shaped the Confederation and the building of the country. Discover how provinces joined, important decisions were made, and leaders worked to create a united Canada.

Question #61

What was the first constitution of the United States called?

Question #62

Who was the primary author of the Federalist Papers, advocating for the ratification of the U.S. Constitution?

Question #63

Which event directly led to the calling of the Constitutional Convention in 1787?

Question #64

What was the main purpose of the Federalist Papers?

Question #65

Who served as the President of the Constitutional Convention?

Question #66

Which state did not send delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787?

Question #67

What is the system of government where power is divided between the national government and the states?

Question #68

Which plan proposed representation in Congress based on population?

Question #69

Who is considered the 'Father of the Constitution'?

Question #70

What was the purpose of the Connecticut Compromise at the Constitutional Convention?

Question #71

Which document established the first government of the United States?

Question #72

What was the main concern of the Anti-Federalists regarding the U.S. Constitution?

Question #73

Which of the following is not one of the first three words of the U.S. Constitution?

Question #74

Who is known as the 'Sage of Monticello' and was not present at the Constitutional Convention?

Question #75

Under the Articles of Confederation, which branch of government had the most power?

Question #76

Which state was the last to ratify the U.S. Constitution, only doing so after the Bill of Rights was proposed?

Question #77

What was the purpose of the Bill of Rights?

Question #78

Who wrote the original version of the Bill of Rights?

Question #79

What was the main reason for the failure of the Articles of Confederation?

Question #80

Which of the following was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

The Role of Canada in World Wars I and II

Learn about Canada’s important contributions in both World War I and II. The interactive contents highlight key battles, courageous soldiers, and the country's efforts both overseas and at home. Discover how Canada helped shape the outcome of these major global conflicts and how they influenced the nation's development. Challenge yourself and see how much you know about Canada's wartime legacy!

Question #81

What year did Canada enter World War I?

Question #82

Which battle is considered a defining moment for Canadian forces in World War I?

Question #83

What was the code name for the beach where Canadian forces landed on D-Day during World War II?

Question #84

Who was the Canadian Prime Minister during World War II?

Question #85

Which Canadian city became an important shipbuilding center during World War II?

Question #86

In which year did Canada declare war on Germany in World War II?

Question #87

What was the name of the Canadian Air Force during World War II?

Question #88

Which Canadian general commanded the Canadian Corps in World War I?

Question #89

Which battle saw Canadian forces liberate the Dutch town of Zwolle in World War II?

Question #90

What was the nickname given to Canadian snipers in World War I?

Question #91

Where did Canada's first military casualties in World War II occur?

Question #92

During World War I, which Canadian battalion earned the nickname 'The Fighting Tenth'?

Question #93

Who was the Canadian flying ace credited with the most victories during World War I?

Question #94

In World War II, what was the code name for the Canadian participation in the Dieppe Raid?

Question #95

Which Canadian naval ship was famously involved in the sinking of the German battleship Bismarck?

Question #96

What was the name of the Canadian tank regiment that played a crucial role in the Italian Campaign of World War II?

Question #97

During World War II, which Canadian division captured the French port of Dieppe?

Question #98

What was the nickname of the Canadian infantry division that fought in Italy during World War II?

Question #99

Which Canadian soldier was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions during the Battle of the Falaise Pocket?

Question #100

What was the name of the Canadian diplomatic corps that provided intelligence during World War II?

Fur Trade and Early Canadian Economy

Discover how the fur trade shaped the foundations of Canada’s early economy. This quiz collection takes you through the key players, trading routes, and the significant role fur trading had in the development of Canadian settlements and relationships with Indigenous Peoples. See how this early industry laid the groundwork for Canada’s growth and global trade connections. Find out how much you know about this important chapter in Canada’s history!

Question #101

1. What was the primary fur traded by the French in early Canada?

Question #102

2. Which European country dominated the fur trade in early Canada?

Question #103

3. What Indigenous group was known for their skill in trapping and trading furs?

Question #104

4. The fur trade led to the establishment of which major Canadian city?

Question #105

5. What trading company was granted a fur trade monopoly in New France in 1670?

Question #106

6. Which animal was not typically hunted for fur in early Canada?

Question #107

7. What was the primary purpose of the fur trade in early Canada?

Question #108

8. Which river served as a major transportation route for the fur trade in Canada?

Question #109

9. Who was the famous French explorer and fur trader in early Canada?

Question #110

10. What was the term used to describe European traders who lived among Indigenous peoples?

Question #111

11. Which animal's fur was known as 'soft gold' in the fur trade?

Question #112

12. What was the name of the network of fur trading posts established by the Hudson's Bay Company?

Question #113

13. In the fur trade, what was a 'beaver pelt' commonly used as?

Question #114

14. What was the term for the exchange of goods between European traders and Indigenous peoples in the fur trade?

Question #115

15. Which animal's fur was prized for its warmth and durability in the fur trade?

Question #116

16. Where did the fur traders meet with Indigenous trappers to exchange goods?

Question #117

17. What was the name of the system where trappers exchanged furs for goods at designated posts?

Question #118

18. What was the term for the Indigenous middlemen who facilitated the fur trade between Europeans and Indigenous trappers?

Question #119

19. What was the term for the trade route taken by Indigenous traders to access European goods?

Question #120

20. Who were the skilled canoeists hired by fur trading companies to transport goods and furs?

French and English Influence in Canada

Learn how French and English cultures shaped Canada’s history and identity. A series of engaging questions explore the lasting impact of both nations, from language and law to culture and politics. Discover the key events and figures that led to the blending of these influences, creating the diverse country Canada is today. See how much you understand about the rich French and English heritage that continues to influence Canadian life.

Question #121

In what year did French explorers first reach Canada?

Question #122

Which Canadian province is predominantly French-speaking?

Question #123

What is the official language of Quebec?

Question #124

In what year did Quebec become a province of Canada?

Question #125

Which French explorer established the first permanent European settlement in Canada?

Question #126

What is Canada's national capital?

Question #127

What is the name of the French-speaking population in Maritime Canada?

Question #128

Which agreement was intended to protect the English and French languages in Canada?

Question #129

Who was the first European explorer to set foot in Canada?

Question #130

Which British queen played a significant role in Confederation and the union of French and English Canada?

Question #131

What is the name of the Canadian flag carrier airline?

Question #132

Where is the largest French-speaking population outside of Quebec located?

Question #133

Which treaty ceded New France to Britain in 1763?

Question #134

Which Canadian city is known for its strong French heritage and culture?

Question #135

What is the name of the French-speaking university in New Brunswick?

Question #136

Which region of Quebec is known for its French dialect and cultural distinctiveness?

Question #137

What is the national sport of Canada?

Question #138

What is the name of the French-speaking region in Manitoba?

Question #139

Which Canadian territory has a significant French-speaking population?

Question #140

Who was the first French explorer to explore the Great Lakes region?

Canadian Geography and Population Growth

Discover how Canada’s vast landscapes and natural features have influenced its population growth. The following tests explore the country’s diverse regions, major cities, and how geography has shaped where and how people live. Learn about migration patterns, key population centers, and the challenges of settling such a large and varied land. Check how well you know Canada’s geography and the factors that have driven its population growth over time.

Question #141

What is the capital city of Canada?

Question #142

Which province is the most populous in Canada?

Question #143

What is the population density of Canada?

Question #144

Which Canadian city is known for its bilingual culture?

Question #145

Which province is known for its strong French influence?

Question #146

What is the largest island in Canada?

Question #147

Which Canadian province has the most lakes?

Question #148

What is the official language of Quebec?

Question #149

Which province is home to the Rocky Mountains?

Question #150

What is the national animal of Canada?

Question #151

Which province is known for its maple syrup production?

Question #152

What is the highest mountain in Canada?

Question #153

Which Canadian city is nicknamed 'The Big Smoke'?

Question #154

What is the largest city in Canada by population?

Question #155

Which province is known for its ice hockey culture?

Question #156

What is the abbreviation for the territory of Northwest Territories?

Question #157

Which province is the smallest in terms of land area?

Question #158

What is the longest river in Canada?

Question #159

Which Canadian city is known for the Calgary Stampede?

Question #160

What is the total area of Canada?

Canadian Prime Ministers and Their Legacies

Get to know the leaders who have shaped Canada’s history! The questions ahead focus on the accomplishments, challenges, and lasting impacts of Canada’s Prime Ministers. From key decisions to major reforms, learn how each leader influenced the direction of the country and left their mark on its development. Discover how well you know the legacies of Canada’s most influential Prime Ministers!

Question #161

Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?

Question #162

Which Canadian Prime Minister implemented the National Policy and helped with the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway?

Question #163

Who was the first female Prime Minister of Canada?

Question #164

Which Prime Minister introduced the Charter of Rights and Freedoms into the Canadian Constitution?

Question #165

Which Prime Minister negotiated the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement?

Question #166

Who is the longest-serving Prime Minister in Canadian history?

Question #167

Which Prime Minister is known for repatriating the Canadian Constitution?

Question #168

Who served as Prime Minister during both World War I and World War II?

Question #169

Which Prime Minister won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957?

Question #170

Who was the Prime Minister responsible for implementing the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in Canada?

Question #171

Which Prime Minister was in office during the patriation of the Constitution?

Question #172

Who is the only Prime Minister to have been elected three times in a row with a majority government?

Question #173

Which Prime Minister is known for leading Canada through the Great Depression and World War II?

Question #174

Who was the Prime Minister during the implementation of the Canada Health Act?

Question #175

Which Prime Minister is known for introducing the Official Languages Act, making Canada officially bilingual?

Question #176

Who is the only Prime Minister to have been in office for more than 22 years?

Question #177

Which Prime Minister led Canada through the Suez Crisis and played a key role in establishing UN peacekeeping?

Question #178

Who was the Prime Minister responsible for implementing the Kyoto Protocol in Canada?

Question #179

Which Prime Minister announced the repatriation of the Constitution and the Patriation Reference case?

Question #180

Who was the first Prime Minister to lead a political party to victory five consecutive times?

Canada's Role in the United Nations and Global Affairs

Find out how Canada has contributed to global peace and diplomacy through its involvement in the United Nations and international affairs. This trivia sets cover key moments, missions, and initiatives where Canada has played a vital role on the world stage. Learn about Canada’s peacekeeping efforts, humanitarian contributions, and diplomatic leadership in shaping global policies.

Question #181

When did Canada join the United Nations?

Question #182

Which Canadian diplomat served as President of the UN General Assembly in 1988-1989?

Question #183

In which year did Lester B. Pearson receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in resolving the Suez Canal Crisis?

Question #184

Where is the headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) located?

Question #185

Who was the first Canadian to serve as the Secretary-General of the United Nations?

Question #186

Which Canadian Prime Minister proposed the idea of the United Nations Emergency Force?

Question #187

What was the name of the Canadian peacekeeping mission in Rwanda in 1994?

Question #188

Which Canadian diplomat was instrumental in drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

Question #189

At the United Nations, what is the official working language of Canada?

Question #190

In which city is the headquarters of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) located?

Question #191

Which Canadian served as President of the United Nations Security Council in 2000?

Question #192

What was the first peacekeeping mission in which Canadian troops participated?

Question #193

Which international organization was founded in part due to the leadership of Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King?

Question #194

Who was the first female Canadian Foreign Minister?

Question #195

Which Canadian diplomat served as UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations?

Question #196

In what year was the last time Canada served on the United Nations Security Council?

Question #197

Which Canadian politician was known for creating the concept of "peacekeeping" in the context of United Nations missions?

Question #198

Who was the first Canadian appointed as the United Nations Secretary-General?

Question #199

Which Canadian served as the UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa?

Question #200

In what year did Canada become a member of the World Health Organization (WHO)?

Thank you for taking this Canadian history trivia quiz! You’ve deepened your knowledge of Canada’s diverse past through these 200 engaging questions.