200 Argentina History Trivia Questions – Free General Knowledge Quiz Online

200 Argentina History Trivia Questions – Free General Knowledge Quiz Online

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Pre-Colonial Argentina and Indigenous Cultures

Explore Argentina’s history before European colonization, focusing on the diverse indigenous groups that inhabited the region. Trivia questions will cover topics like the Diaguita and Mapuche peoples, their daily lives, and their cultural contributions. This category is perfect for those interested in Argentina's early history.

Question #1

What is the official language of the Inca Empire?

Question #2

Which indigenous group inhabited the Pampas region of Argentina?

Question #3

What was the capital of the Inca Empire?

Question #4

Who was the supreme god in the Aztec religion?

Question #5

Which indigenous group built the famous city of Machu Picchu?

Question #6

What was the primary food source of the Guarani people?

Question #7

Which indigenous group in Argentina is known for their horseback riding skills?

Question #8

What was the name of the religious ruler in the Inca Empire?

Question #9

Which indigenous group in Argentina lived in dwellings called 'ruka'?

Question #10

Who was the last ruler of the Aztec Empire?

Question #11

Which indigenous group in the Andean region is known for their intricate textiles?

Question #12

What was the name of the Inca road system?

Question #13

Which indigenous group in Argentina practiced hunting and gathering as their primary subsistence strategy?

Question #14

What was the main economic activity of the Inca Empire?

Question #15

Who was the founder of the Inca Empire?

Question #16

Which indigenous group in Northwestern Argentina is known for their ceramic art?

Question #17

What was the name of the Inca festival celebrating the sun god Inti?

Question #18

Which indigenous group in Argentina practiced polytheistic religion?

Question #19

Who was the legendary founding figure of the Quechua people?

Question #20

Which indigenous group in Argentina used bolas as a hunting tool?

Spanish Colonization and the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata

Test your knowledge of Argentina’s colonial era under Spanish rule. Learn about the establishment of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, its economic importance, and the interactions between the colonizers and indigenous peoples. This quiz features both easy and hard questions about this critical period in Argentina’s history.

Question #21

What year did Christopher Columbus arrive in the Americas?

Question #22

Who were the indigenous people living in the Americas when the Spanish arrived?

Question #23

What was the first Spanish colony in the Americas?

Question #24

Who was the Spanish conquistador responsible for the fall of the Aztec Empire?

Question #25

What was the capital of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata?

Question #26

Which Spanish explorer was the first to circumnavigate the globe?

Question #27

Who was the last Inca emperor?

Question #28

What was the main economic activity in the Spanish colonies?

Question #29

Which treaty divided the Americas between Spain and Portugal?

Question #30

Who founded the city of Cartagena in Colombia?

Question #31

What was the system of forced labor used by the Spanish in the colonies?

Question #32

Which Spanish queen sponsored the voyages of Christopher Columbus?

Question #33

Who was the first Viceroy of Peru?

Question #34

What was the name of the Aztec capital conquered by the Spanish?

Question #35

Which Spanish conquistador conquered the Inca Empire?

Question #36

What was the capital of the Inca Empire?

Question #37

Who was the first European to see the Pacific Ocean?

Question #38

Which Spanish conquistador defeated the Aztec Empire?

Question #39

Who was the first Viceroy of New Spain?

Question #40

What was the official religion of the Spanish colonies?

Argentina’s Fight for Independence

This subtopic covers Argentina’s struggle for independence from Spain in the early 19th century. Trivia questions will explore key events like the May Revolution, the leadership of José de San Martín, and the wars that followed. Play today and see how much you know about Argentina’s path to sovereignty.

Question #41

Who was the primary leader of the Argentine War of Independence?

Question #42

Which event marked the beginning of the Argentine War of Independence?

Question #43

Which country ruled over Argentina prior to its independence?

Question #44

In which year did Argentina declare its independence?

Question #45

What was the name of the Argentine independence movement?

Question #46

Who famously crossed the Andes Mountains during the independence campaigns?

Question #47

Which military leader fought in several battles for Argentine independence?

Question #48

Where did the decisive Battle of Maipú, securing Chilean independence, take place?

Question #49

Which region did the Viceroyalty of the Rió de la Plata include?

Question #50

Who authored the Argentine Declaration of Independence?

Question #51

Which European event influenced the independence movements in Latin America?

Question #52

Which Argentine city was a crucial center for revolutionary activities during the independence struggle?

Question #53

Who led the Paraguayan forces against Argentine and Brazilian troops during the independence wars?

Question #54

Which battle led to the defeat of the Spanish royalist forces in present-day Bolivia?

Question #55

Who founded the Lautaro Lodge, a secret society supporting independence in Chile and Argentina?

Question #56

Which country provided support to Argentina during its fight for independence?

Question #57

Who served as the first Supreme Director of the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata?

Question #58

In which battle did Argentine forces achieve victory against the Spanish royalist army in modern-day Peru?

Question #59

Which Argentine politician was a key figure in the May Revolution?

Question #60

What was the name of the treaty that officially recognized the independence of Argentina?

The Argentine Civil Wars

Argentina’s post-independence era was marked by internal conflicts known as the Argentine Civil Wars. Test your general knowledge on the rivalries between Unitarians and Federalists, famous battles, and the country’s long road to national unity. This topic offers fun trivia questions for history buffs and newcomers alike.

Question #61

Who was the leader of the Argentine Confederation during the Argentine Civil Wars?

Question #62

Which battle is considered the turning point in the Argentine Civil Wars?

Question #63

When did the Argentine Civil Wars officially end?

Question #64

Which region of Argentina was a stronghold of Federalists during the Civil Wars?

Question #65

What was the Pact of Olivos in relation to the Argentine Civil Wars?

Question #66

Who was the leader of the Unitarian Party during the Civil Wars?

Question #67

Which country provided support to the Federalists in the Argentine Civil Wars?

Question #68

What was the primary cause of the Argentine Civil Wars?

Question #69

Where was the Battle of Cepeda fought?

Question #70

Who wrote the Facundo during the Argentine Civil Wars?

Question #71

What was the Banda Oriental's connection to the Argentine Civil Wars?

Question #72

Which city served as the capital of the Argentine Confederation?

Question #73

Who was known as the 'Restorer of the Laws' during the Argentine Civil Wars?

Question #74

Which province was a stronghold of Unitarians during the Argentine Civil Wars?

Question #75

What was the Battle of Caseros a decisive victory for?

Question #76

Who was the first president of the Argentine Confederation?

Question #77

Which region was the heartland of Unitarian opposition during the Argentine Civil Wars?

Question #78

What was the Battle of San Lorenzo's significance in the Argentine Civil Wars?

Question #79

Who was the main military leader of the Federalists in the Argentine Civil Wars?

Question #80

What region of Argentina was the Federal capital during the Argentine Civil Wars?

The Rise of Buenos Aires

Learn about the rise of Buenos Aires as Argentina’s cultural and political capital. This subtopic covers the city’s importance during colonization, its role in independence, and how it became a thriving metropolis. Trivia questions will explore the history of Buenos Aires and its impact on Argentina’s development.

Question #81

In what year was Buenos Aires founded?

Question #82

Which river borders Buenos Aires to the east?

Question #83

What is the name of the iconic neighborhood known for its colorful houses in Buenos Aires?

Question #84

Who was the first president of Argentina, born in Buenos Aires?

Question #85

Which architectural landmark of Buenos Aires is the burial site of Eva Perón?

Question #86

What is the name of the famous avenue in Buenos Aires known for its width and obelisk monument?

Question #87

Which historic event led to the rapid growth and rise of Buenos Aires in the late 19th century?

Question #88

What is the traditional Argentine dish often enjoyed in Buenos Aires?

Question #89

Which famous writer and poet was born in Buenos Aires and wrote 'Ficciones'?

Question #90

What are the colorful buses that are a symbol of Buenos Aires public transportation?

Question #91

Which iconic dance originated in the working-class neighborhoods of Buenos Aires?

Question #92

Where is the famous bookstore 'El Ateneo Grand Splendid' located in Buenos Aires?

Question #93

What is the symbol of Buenos Aires football club Boca Juniors?

Question #94

Which Argentine artist's museum is located in the neighborhood of Palermo in Buenos Aires?

Question #95

What is the traditional snack consisting of breaded and fried mashed potatoes in Buenos Aires?

Question #96

Which historical period saw Buenos Aires become the capital of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata?

Question #97

Which famous Argentine actress achieved international fame starring in 'La La Land'?

Question #98

What is the name of the financial district in Buenos Aires that houses many skyscrapers?

Question #99

Which international airport serves as the primary gateway to Buenos Aires?

Question #100

What is the largest stadium in Argentina, home to Club Atlético River Plate?

Peronism and Juan Perón

Peronism is one of the most significant political movements in Argentina’s history. Trivia in this subtopic will cover the rise of Juan Perón, his policies, and the influence of his wife, Eva Perón (Evita). Play this free online quiz to explore the impact of Peronism on Argentina’s political and social landscape.

Question #101

Who was the founder of the political movement known as Peronism?

Question #102

In what year did Juan Perón serve as President of Argentina for the first time?

Question #103

Which of the following was NOT a key pillar of Peronist ideology?

Question #104

What was Juan Perón's military rank before entering politics?

Question #105

Which political party did Juan Perón establish in Argentina?

Question #106

What term is commonly used to refer to supporters of Juan Perón?

Question #107

Where was Juan Perón born?

Question #108

Which historical figure did Juan Perón have a close relationship with?

Question #109

What was the main social group that strongly supported Juan Perón?

Question #110

What is the official color associated with Peronism?

Question #111

Which Argentine region is considered a stronghold of Peronist support?

Question #112

Which aspect of society did Juan Perón's policies focus on improving?

Question #113

What was the nickname given to Juan Perón's second wife, Eva Perón?

Question #114

What was the name of the political movement founded by Juan Perón in 1947 to promote third-position politics?

Question #115

Which of the following was a famous slogan associated with Peronism?

Question #116

What role did Juan Perón hold before becoming President of Argentina?

Question #117

What economic policy did Juan Perón support during his presidency?

Question #118

Which of the following was a significant event during Juan Perón's rule?

Question #119

Where is Juan Perón buried?

Question #120

What was the title of Juan Perón's political manifesto published in 1951?

Argentina in World War II

Although neutral for most of World War II, Argentina’s role in the global conflict remains a fascinating topic. Trivia questions will cover Argentina’s diplomatic stance, the country’s shift toward the Allies, and the internal political tensions during the war. Challenge yourself with this mix of easy and hard trivia about Argentina’s involvement in World War II.

Question #121

In which year did Argentina declare war on the Axis powers in World War II?

Question #122

Which Argentine battleship was sunk by a German submarine in 1939?

Question #123

What was the code name for the Argentine plan to invade the Falkland Islands during World War II?

Question #124

Which Argentine diplomat saved over 1000 Jews during the Holocaust?

Question #125

Which Argentine military officer was involved in the rescue of Jews in Europe during World War II?

Question #126

What was the largest Argentine battle during World War II?

Question #127

Which Argentine city was bombed by the British Royal Navy during World War II?

Question #128

Which Argentine airplane manufacturer produced aircraft for the British Royal Navy during World War II?

Question #129

What was the name of the Argentine President during most of World War II?

Question #130

Which Argentine port was used by German submarines during World War II?

Question #131

Which Argentine scientist was involved in the Manhattan Project during World War II?

Question #132

How many Argentine casualties were there during World War II?

Question #133

Which Argentinean military unit fought during the Italian Campaign in World War II?

Question #134

Which Argentine politician was known for his pro-Nazi sentiments during World War II?

Question #135

Which Argentine city was once a refuge for Nazis after World War II?

Question #136

Which Argentine military officer participated in the Battle of Monte Cassino during World War II?

Question #137

Which Argentine warship was used as a training vessel during World War II?

Question #138

What was the primary role of Argentine forces in World War II?

Question #139

Which Argentine Foreign Minister represented the country at the Dumbarton Oaks Conference in 1944?

Question #140

Which Argentine-born pilot served in the Royal Air Force during World War II?

The Dirty War and Military Dictatorship

This subtopic explores one of the darkest periods in Argentina’s modern history: the Dirty War. Test your general knowledge about the military dictatorship, human rights abuses, and the struggle for democracy that followed. Play this trivia quiz for a deeper understanding of Argentina’s political history in the late 20th century.

Question #141

Who was the president of Argentina during the Dirty War and Military Dictatorship?

Question #142

What was the period of the Dirty War in Argentina?

Question #143

Which military junta ruled Argentina during the Military Dictatorship?

Question #144

What was the primary tactic used by the regime during the Dirty War?

Question #145

What was the fate of many individuals who were targeted during the Dirty War?

Question #146

Which human rights organization was founded by the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo?

Question #147

Who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her work during the Dirty War?

Question #148

What was the name of the clandestine detention centers used during the Military Dictatorship?

Question #149

How many people are estimated to have been killed or disappeared during the Dirty War?

Question #150

What was the main ideology behind the Military Dictatorship in Argentina?

Question #151

Which political group was targeted during the Dirty War?

Question #152

Which country provided ideological and material support to the Military Dictatorship in Argentina?

Question #153

What was the fate of the stolen babies born to disappeared mothers?

Question #154

Which group is responsible for documenting human rights abuses during the Military Dictatorship?

Question #155

What was the name of the military operation aimed at eliminating political opponents during the 1970s?

Question #156

Which military branch played a central role in the repression during the Military Dictatorship?

Question #157

What was the political context that led to the rise of the Military Dictatorship in Argentina?

Question #158

What was the official reason given by the regime for the disappearances of individuals?

Question #159

Which historical event marked the end of the Military Dictatorship in Argentina?

Question #160

What was the fate of many junta leaders after the return of democracy to Argentina?

Argentina’s Role in the Falklands War

The Falklands War was a brief but significant conflict between Argentina and the United Kingdom in 1982. Trivia questions in this subtopic will cover the causes of the war, key battles, and its impact on Argentine politics and society. This quiz offers a great way to learn more about this pivotal event in modern Argentine history.

Question #161

What year did the Falklands War between Argentina and the UK begin?

Question #162

Who was the UK Prime Minister during the Falklands War?

Question #163

Which country controlled the Falkland Islands prior to the war?

Question #164

What was the Argentine invasion of the Falklands known as?

Question #165

Which major naval engagement took place during the war?

Question #166

How long did the Falklands War last?

Question #167

What was the outcome of the Falklands War?

Question #168

Which Argentine cruiser was sunk during the war?

Question #169

What was the codename for the British amphibious assault?

Question #170

Who was the President of Argentina during the Falklands War?

Question #171

Which British ship was hit by Argentine missiles?

Question #172

Where are the Falkland Islands located?

Question #173

What was the codename for the Argentine invasion of South Georgia?

Question #174

Which regiment famously defended the British outpost at Goose Green?

Question #175

What was the first British land offensive of the war called?

Question #176

Which country provided significant logistic support to the UK during the conflict?

Question #177

What was the Argentine codename for their occupation of the Falklands?

Question #178

Which Argentine aircraft sank the HMS Ardent?

Question #179

What land vehicle did British forces famously use in the conflict?

Question #180

What was the longest-ranged British air-launched missile used in the conflict?

Modern Argentina: Politics and Culture

Explore Argentina’s recent history, focusing on its political and cultural developments in the 21st century. Trivia questions will cover topics like Argentina’s economic reforms, famous cultural figures, and its role in global affairs. This free online quiz is perfect for anyone wanting to learn about modern-day Argentina.

Question #181

Which political figure served as the President of Argentina from 2007 to 2015?

Question #182

What is the capital city of Argentina?

Question #183

Which Argentine music genre originated in the outskirts of Buenos Aires in the late 19th century?

Question #184

Who is considered one of the greatest Argentine soccer players of all time?

Question #185

What is the name of the famous Argentine cowboys of the Pampas region?

Question #186

Which Argentine writer is known for his famous novel 'Ficciones'?

Question #187

What is the name of the famous waterfalls located on the border of Argentina and Brazil?

Question #188

Which dance is a traditional Argentine folk dance that originated in the northwest region of the country?

Question #189

Who was the first woman elected as the President of Argentina?

Question #190

What is the name of the iconic Avenida in Buenos Aires known for its historic importance and cultural significance?

Question #191

Which Argentine artist is known for his colorful and surreal paintings?

Question #192

In which year did Argentina gain its independence from Spain?

Question #193

What is the name of the famous stadium in Buenos Aires that is home to Boca Juniors?

Question #194

Which Argentine city is known for its colorful houses and vibrant arts scene?

Question #195

Which former Argentine dictator was in power from 1976 to 1981?

Question #196

What is the traditional Argentine drink made from yerba mate leaves?

Question #197

Which Argentine actress won an Academy Award for her role in the film 'The Official Story'?

Question #198

What is the popular Argentine pastry often filled with dulce de leche or quince paste?

Question #199

Who composed the iconic tango song 'La Cumparsita'?

Question #200

Which Argentine architect is known for designing the iconic Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires?

We hope you enjoyed diving into Argentina’s rich and vibrant history with this fun general knowledge quiz! From the early days of colonization to the modern era of political and cultural development, Argentina’s story is one of resilience and transformation.

Whether you found the questions easy or hard, this quiz offers an exciting way to learn more about the country’s past and its key figures. Keep playing and challenge your friends to see who knows the most about Argentina’s history!

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